Understanding international social security agreements

The Gouvernement du Québec has social security agreements with 39 countries. The agreements make it possible to coordinate the social security programs of these countries with those of Québec. 

All the agreements concern contributions to the Québec Pension Plan and the benefits it provides for retirement, disability or death.

Certain agreements may also concern:

  • health insurance, hospital insurance and other health services;
  • work-related accidents and occupational diseases

To consult the official text of a social security agreement, visit the Ministère des Relations internationals et de la Francophonie's website This link will open in a new window. (French only).

Bureau des ententes de sécurité sociale

Under the agreements, Retraite Québec's Bureau des ententes de sécurité sociale (BESS):

Contact the BESS

Our services are free. To get started or obtain more information, do not hesitate to contact our team.

Other useful information

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