SPP Portal
Authentication and use of the SPP Portal
The SPP Portal user guide (parts regarding SIPPs and VRSPs are in French only) provides information regarding authentication and using the SPP Portal.
Availability of the SPP Portal:
Every day from 7:30 a.m. to midnight
Use the SPP Portal to:
- send any document to Retraite Québec (report, form, etc.) in PDF or XLSX (Excel) format, under 25 MB;
- contact Retraite Québec through the messaging service;
- enter or update the list of collaborators or other information;
- produce the annual information return for a supplemental pension plan (SPP) online, except for a simplified pension plan (SIPP).
Access to SPP Portal features depends on the role assigned to each person accessing it.
The SPP Portal applies to:
- supplemental pension plans (SPP);
- voluntary retirement savings plans (VRSPs);
- locked‐in retirement accounts (LIRAs);
- life income funds (LIFs).
The SPPs concerned are those subject to the Supplemental Pension Plans Act. The LIRAs and LIFs concerned are those governed by the Regulation respecting supplemental pension plans.
Users of the SPP Portal:
- Persons representing the administrator of a supplemental pension plan (SPP) or a voluntary retirement savings plan (VRSP)
- Contact persons for a locked‐in retirement account (LIRA) or a life income fund (LIF)
- Collaborators that the representative or contact person has authorized access to
- Members of the pension committee of an SPP
- Person responsible for the annual fees for an LIRA or LIF
He or she must sign in with:
- his or her personal email address entered in Retraite Québec's files;
- his or her password;
- his or her verification code, which was sent to his or her email address.
A browser configuration is required for proper use of the service.
Notice for disabled persons
This online service may contain barriers to
accessibility. You can
call us for assistance.
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