The role of supplemental pension plans in your retirement planning

You undoubtedly know that it is essential to begin planning your retirement early. But you still need the knowledge and the right tools to do it. Planning retirement early also means thinking ahead and knowing how to make the right choices when your personal or employment situation changes.

Here are some tools to help you!

For the attentive and involved worker

Your personal situation changes...

Various events in your life can lead you to make choices that will have an impact on your retirement planning, particularly in the event of:

  • a separation (divorce, legal separation, etc.)
  • a disability
  • a death
  • an end to employment
  • residence outside Canada

See the consequences of these events if you are a member of a: 


CompuPension: simulate your retirement income using your own information

Your employment situation changes...

Are rumours of a merger, restructuring, bankruptcy or closure circulating through your workplace? These business decisions can lead to a change in or even the termination of your pension plan.

See the possible effects on a pension plan as a result of merger, of restructuring, of sale, of closure, of bankruptcy or of bankruptcy protection :

Keep track of the financial situation of your plan and the changes made to it ...

To be informed and proactive in your financial planning for retirement, you must know your rights and obligations as a member or beneficiary.

Consult the appropriate section for information, depending on whether you are a member of a: 

Other useful information


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