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This form allows you to inform us of any changes to your conjugal status.
The parent who is currently receiving Family Allowance payments in his or her name must use this form to inform us of a change in his or her conjugal status.
Following a change in your conjugal status, the amount of your Family Allowance is recalculated. To avoid having to repay overpayments, you have certain steps to take, based on your situation.
In the event of a separation, you must not live at the same address as your former spouse for at least 90 days for your separation to be recognized. Wait until the end of the period before declaring your new conjugal status. You will receive Family Allowance for the entire period starting from the month following the month of your separation.
If you have not been living with your former spouse since 6 January, you must wait until 6 April, that is, 90 days later, before informing us of your new conjugal status. Family Allowance will be paid retroactively to February.
For more information, consult the Union and separation section on our website.
The parent who is not receiving Family Allowance in his or her name must file an application for Family Allowance if the child lives with him or her at least 40% of the time each month.
If the change in conjugal status also involves a change in child custody, you must inform us immediately by telephone.