Supplement for the Purchase of School Supplies

The purpose of the supplement is to help families with the purchase of school supplies. No application is required. If you are eligible for Family Allowance payments, you will automatically receive the supplement.

This annual financial assistance of $124 per child aged 4 to 16 (as of 30 September), for the 2025-2026 school year, is intended for all families who receive the Family Allowance payments, regardless of their family income. The beneficiary must have custody of the child for the month in which the Supplement is paid.

Annual Supplement

For the 2025-2026 school year, the payment will be made in July 2025, at the same time as your Family Allowance payment.

Sign up for direct deposit to receive your payments quickly.

The Supplement for the Purchase of School Supplies is not taxable, and is indexed annually.

Useful information

No. You do not need to file an application in order to receive the Supplement for the Purchase of School Supplies. The supplement is paid automatically to all families who receive the Family Allowance payments.

If custody is shared during the month in which the supplement is paid, each parent will receive half the supplement ($62).

Custody is considered to be shared when a child lives with each parent between 40% and 60% of the time in a given month.

Eligibility is determined based on the child's age and not on whether he or she attends school. The child's state of health is not taken into consideration either.

In Québec, school attendance is mandatory from ages 6 to 16. However, most children attend the optional year of full-time kindergarten a year earlier. Some handicapped children or children who live in underprivileged areas may also attend pre-kindergarten at 4 years of age.

  • Payment of the Supplement for the Purchase of School Supplies is made in July at the same time as your Family Allowance payment.
  • If you share custody of a child, each parent will receive half of the supplement. You must have custody of the child for the month in which the supplement is paid.

You are entitled to the Supplement for the Purchase of School Supplies:

  • If you are eligible for Family Allowance and receive a payment for the month in which the supplement is paid.

    • your child is aged 4 to 16 on 30 September of the school year for which the supplement is paid.

    • you receive the Supplement for Handicapped Children for a child aged 4 to 17 on 30 September of the school year for which the supplement is paid.
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